
Waste and rubbish update

By Manly Community Forum
Published in Council
September 16, 2023
2 min read

We hope this newsletter finds you well and informed about the latest updates regarding waste collection and recycling efforts in our beautiful coastal community.

Here’s a recap of the key points discussed at our recent Forum meeting:

Thanks to the Senior staff from Council who attended our last meeting and patiently answered numerous questions about the Council Waste Collection systems. Here are some important takeaways:

1. No Return of Twice-Yearly Hard Rubbish Collections: There is no chance of the return of the twice-yearly hard rubbish ollections. The current system of booking a kerbside collection will remain in place. When a kerbside collection is booked, Council collects the items, but they are sent straight to landfill. There has been a reduction in overall waste as residents appear to be actively seeking and using recycling alternatives before placing their old furniture and other items on the kerbside.

2. Complaints and Missed Bins: Comments and complaints about the fortnightly waste collection by the contractors can be made online on the Council website. These complaints are forwarded directly to the contractor for resolution. If issues persist, Council waste staff can be contacted directly for further assistance. Missed bins will be collected as soon as possible.

3. Future Changes: Council is collaborating with contractors and residents to implement further changes to the waste collection. Discussions and research are ongoing regarding the introduction of Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) to the Northern Beaches. Challenges include the disposal of FOGO waste and what to do with it as there are limited markets for the composted and recycled products. So we will be continuing with the current three bin system for some time yet.

4. Waste Generation Comparison Manly v the rest of the NB: Manly residents are leading by example when it comes to waste minimisation. Compared to the Northern Beaches average, we generate the least amount of waste per person per year.

  • Manly residents: 243kg per person per year (NB Average: 389 kg)
  • Red bin: 152 kg per person per year (NB Average: 189 kg)
  • Blue bin: 27 kg per person per year (NB Average: 37 kg)
  • Yellow bin: 34 kg per person per year (NB Average: 48 kg)
  • Green bin: 31 kg per person per year (NB Average: 115 kg)
  • Bulky goods: 23 kg per person per year (NB Average: 35 kg)

Council has a great website called “Watch your waste” to explore the waste habits of the northern beaches areas. https://www.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/services/rubbish-and-recycling/watch-your-waste nb watch your waste


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