In September 2021 Council reviewed a proposal to permanently prohibit parking on the northern side of Bower St from College St to the park. Implementation was deferred until further data collection, investigation and consultation had been undertaken.
It was decided that no parking on the northern side of Bower St would be implemented between 10am and 4pm on weekends and public holidays this summer. The 2P resident parking would apply outside these times.
Council has advised that the no parking signs will be installed late November/early December and will be in place until the end of January (and maybe a week or two longer depending on the weather). Additional temporary corflute signage is being considered to alert residents and visitors to the changes.
Rangers will be requested to enforce this every weekend throughout December and January. Council will also be introducing sensors in beach side car parks (including Shelly Beach) in 2021/22. This should assist in better management and control of the traffic numbers in the area whilst retaining valuable public parking spaces in the Manly area.
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