Brickbats & Bouquets July 2023

Published in Community
July 11, 2023
1 min read

Bouquet to the Council for the excellent repair of the brickwork on the footpath along East Esplanade. So much better than a bit of sticky black asphalt.

east esp bricks

Brickbat to Council for the new doggy poo bag dispensing system. Even if the bags are now green and bio degradable the metal box with no lid or weep holes to let the water out leaves a lot to desired.

dog poos bags

Bouquet to Community Forums in the Manly Ward for their excellent submission on the Tree Canopy. It is available on the MCF website.

Brickbat to the cockatoos breaking off all the new growth on the fig trees along Addison Road and in the Corso opposite the Former Town Hall. Thanks to the local resident for sweeping it all up and putting it in his green bin. But the cockies were back again the following day dropping more leaves and branches

cocky damage

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