Before making an application to IPART the NSW government Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal, Council is required o engage with the community on the potential options for a Special Rate Variation or rate increase above the annual Rate Peg which is based on the CPI.
Ratepayers received a 2 page letter explaining the four options. But there was no mention of future prudent Budget Management, instead Council has blamed ageing assets and the heavy costs of natural disasters, the COVID pandemic and ‘cost shifting’ as well as generally the rising cost of everything.
Staff will report to a Council meeting this month on how it intends a to contain costs and explore other revenue streams, but insists that a rate increase is necessary to ensure the Financial sustainability of the NBC into the future.
Options proposed are
Council is currently seeking feedback on which option is most acceptable to ratepayers on the Council Your Say page.
IPART will also seek submissions on the rate rise if and when it proceeds to IPART for consideration.
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