Also open for comment is the Draft Safety Plan which outlines the actions Council will take to build responsiveness to community safety issues over the next five years. The draft plan is divided into two parts, focussing on safe places and safe people. The Priority Area 1, Safe Open Spaces is something that the Manly Community Forum via the Community Safety Committee has been heavily involved in ensuring that Council manages our open spaces, especially East Esplanade, Little Manly Point Park, Fairlight walk and Shelly Beach as high quality, safe and accessible places for all.
Council states it keeps our community safe by designing out crime by incorporating the international standard of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles into all council development and infrastructure projects, including the planning and design of open places and spaces. The application of these principles increases the passive security of spaces, the difficulty of crime and antisocial behaviour occurring within those areas, and the feeling of safety in CPTED designed zones.
Manly Community Forum looks forward to the adoption of this plan and hopes its implementation puts an end to the underage drinking, abhorrent behaviour and littering we see in our parks, esplanades and local CDB over the summer periods. Submissions close 20 July.
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