Jump Rock

March 18, 2023
1 min read

Summer is almost over but the crowds are still heading to Jump Rock for a splash into Spring Cove. This seems to be as popular as jumping off the wharf or the old aquarium site. It has been made more popular and accessible by someone sawing off the metal spikes at the ends of the tall metal fence installed by the former Manly Council and damaging the fencing at the end of the road. Whilst neighbours are happy to put up with some of the joyous shrieking and splashing during the day, complaints are numerous about the rubbish left everywhere and the appalling, often late night drunken behaviour and disgusting language used by some of these jumpers and their friends. Neighbours are often abused for not allowing people into their homes to use their toilets, borrow their phones to call home, put their phones on a charger or provide bandaids for cuts and other injuries.

Any suggestions on how to improve this situation are welcome at secretary@manlycommunityforum.com

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