Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan

Published in Development
July 18, 2021
1 min read

Now is the time to comment on the planning rules for your area. Council has developed the Local Environment Plan /Development Control Plan Discussion Paper which is available on the Council Your Say page. https://yoursay.northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au/planning-our-sustainable-future/local-environmental-plan-and-development-control-plan

Council intends to finalise a draft LEP and DCP mid 2023. Comments close on Sunday 8 August 2021. Manly Community Forum will be suggesting that the stormwater pipes installed from private properties to the stormwater system, such as this one on Marine Pde along the Manly to Shelly walkway, should be covered and properly maintained. Concern has been expressed that these pipes are not only ugly but could potentially cause pollution in the Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve.

Storm water pipes

As part of this LEP/DCP review Council is also reviewing existing land use zones used in the four current Local Environment Plans (LEPs). We know our community is passionate about protecting the environment, so have your say on this review of Environmental Zones (also known as E Zones). For example, the Manly LEP and Pittwater LEP include provisions that limit the types of structures that may be erected within the foreshore area. The foreshore building line is generally 15m from the mean high-water mark and limits development of existing buildings or new minor works such as boat sheds, swimming pools or access stairs that impact on natural foreshore processes or affect the significance and amenity of the area. Most of the Eastern Hill area in Manly is in the E3 zone which applies to all low-density residential properties adjoining the harbour and ocean foreshores and national parks in Clontarf, Seaforth, Balgowlah Heights and Manly.

If you are concerned about the DA notification process, then this is an opportunity to comment. Council points out that they have a Community Participation Plan, but some residents still raise concerns that building works in their neighbourhoods are starting without any notification.

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