Over in Spring Cove at the boundary of the National Park and St Patricks Estate the heritage wall that meets the concrete fence at the bottom corner of the estate has again been pushed over by the stormwater rushing down the hill towards Spring Cove.
The heritage wall was rebuilt after the last serious wet weather event ‘like for like’ but only a 1mx1m grate was inserted in the concrete fence. No other mitigation measures. However, because the grate became blocked with sticks and leaf litter and had no weep holes at the bottom of the concrete wall it acted as a dam wall as the volume and strength of the stormwater flow eventually forcing the weaker heritage stone wall to collapse again. Residents discussed that this may be a problem even before the Estate was developed. Next time perhaps lower or remove the concrete wall and if a wall must be installed, perhaps one that allows water to flow through it and over the footpath might save another heritage wall rebuild.
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